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This is a service for Airbag Module Reset after your vehicle was in accident.

  • Airbag Light on?
  • Airbags deployed?
  • Diagnostic Tool reads “crash data stored” ?
  • Dealership tells you that you need a new module ?

Odometers Solutions specializes in reactivation (reset) of airbag system, airbag controllers and air bag modules. Our workshops are equipped with original equipment to diagnostics and repair (reset) module professionally. Our technicians are extensively familiar with these systems. 

Our services represent substantial savings for body shops, insurers and their costumers. By reseting your airbag module, you also contribute to our planet health.

This is a service to repair/reset your airbag control module. After a vehicle has been in an accident, the airbag module needs to be reset (cleared of hard crash codes) in order for the SRS/Airbag System to function properly again. 

All SRS Modules can be reset, except if they have been damaged in a flood, fire or any other rare electrical malfunction.

We Guarantee that we will:

Erase all Hard Crash Codes that are stored during an accident.

We do not guarantee that your light will go away.

If your light is on upon installation of the module then you may have other faults, such as a blown seat-belt (just because it is working doesn't mean that it isn't internally blown). To determine why the light is on you will need to get it properly diagnosed with a good scanner capable of reading and erasing SRS fault codes.

We are not responsible for any diagnostic charges.



Step 1: You pay us for the service.
Step 2: You send the module to us.
Step 3: We Reset Your Module.
Step 4: We pay for fast return shipping.

Your module will be reset and shipped back to you within 24 HOURS of us receiving it.


Press Ctrl + F and type your model. If you can not find it in the list, please contact us.

28556 1U70A (0 285 001 907) 98820 1KV0A (F01G07208E) 98820 CB80E 285563RR0A(620622900H)
28556 2F400 (0 285 001 188) 98820 1KV1A (0 285 011 034) 98820 CC000 285563SR0A(628992900A)
28556 2S700 98820 1L226 98820 CC50A 285564BU0A(627260600)
28556 2X21A (0 285 001 481) 98820 1L270 98820 CD200 285564MC0B
28556 3N705 98820 1TV0A (0 285 012 140) 98820 CD300 988201VX0A(631812300A)
28556 3N705 X 98820 1VK0A 98820 CD600 988203RD0B(620611900G)
28556 3YM0A (0 285 012 141) 98820 2N400 98820 CG100 988203TA0C(620599800K)
28556 3Z600 98820 2X300 (0 285 001 478) 98820 EA510 (0 285 001 781) 988203TT0A(620620900G)
28556 43U00 98820 2X800 (0 285 001 640) 98820 EB01B (0 285 001 782) 988203TV0A
28556 5M301 (0 285 001 316) 98820 3AA0A (F01G0720BY) 98820 EB01D (0 285 010 536) 988203WY0A(624031400E)
28556 5M303 (0 285 001 317) 98820 3GY0A 98820 EF000 988203ZL0A(628733700)
28556 6F605 (0 285 001 182) 98820 3KA0A (0 285 010 870) 98820 EL20A 988204BA0A(626642100)
28556 6Z500 98820 3L300 G 98820 EM00A 988204BD0A
28556 6Z500 98820 3LM0A (0 285 011 179) 98820 EM10A 988204BE0A(627260100)
28556 74B02 (0 285 001 323) 98820 3NA0A (F01G0720AT) 98820 EM30B 988204BP0A(626642100)
28556 7B800 98820 3NA1A (0 285 011 042) 98820 EM30C 988204BS0A
28556 7F001 (0 285 001 137) 98820 3NF0A (0 285 011 268) 98820 EM60A 988204CG0A(627746700)
28556 7J600 (0 285 001 327) 98820 3NL0A (0 285 011 249) 98820 ET10B 988204CM0A(631735100)
28556 7S002 98820 3NM0A (0 285 011 248) 98820 EV00A 988204EH0B(627260200)
28556 7S003 98820 3VS0B 98820 EV20A 988204EH0C(627260200)
28556 82F05 98820 3Z700 98820 JA100 988204MA0C(627856100D)
28556 8F200 (0 285 001 186) 98820 4U400 (0 285 001 361) 98820 JA50A 988204RA0A(630912300)
28556 8H500 98820 4W615 98820 JD000 988204RB0A
28556 8H505 98820 5M302 (0 285 001 318) 98820 JD10A 988204RD0A
28556 8H50E 98820 5M304 (0 285 001 319) 98820 JD11A 988205AA0B(629198200)
28556 8H53E 98820 5M304 J (0 285 001 319) 98820 JH200 988205AC0B(636517800)
28556 8Z300 98820 5W915 98820 JH40A 988205HA0A(631036800)
28556 8Z800 98820 5X20B (0 285 010 822) 98820 JH43A (120809) 988205HK0A(640743300)
28556 9F105 (0 285 001 193) 98820 5X60A (0 285 011 239) 98820 JM00A 988205WK0A(636134100)
28556 9F207 (0 285 001 194) 98820 5X80A (0 285 011 241) 98820 JM00B 988206FL0A(640621500)
28556 9F207 (0 285 001 194) 98820 5Y805 98820 JM100 988209AM0A(627870600B)
28556 9W100 98820 5Z000 98820 JM00C 988209HL0B
28556 AP002 (0 285 001 411) 98820 5Z100 98820 JM60A 988209HN0A(628629500A)
28556 BC400 (0 285 001 852) 98820 6Y500 98820 VC310 988209HP0A(629165500B)
28556 BN903 R 98820 74B03 (0 285 001 311) 98820 ZA30A 988209HS0A
28556 CD000 98820 7J700 (0 285 001 329) 98820 ZH41A 98820BM90A(633139200)
28556 CD00E 98820 7Y100 98820 ZK01A
28556 EB50B 98820 7Y101 98820 ZT90A
28556 ED500 98820 8H405 98820 ZX00A
28556 EE300 98820 8H40E 98820 ZX60A
28556 EE500 98820 9DH0A 28556 3RR0A (620 62 29 00 H)
28556 EE700 98820 9H600 28556 3SR0A (628 99 29 00 A)
28556 JD31A 98820 9H605 28556 4BU0A (627 26 06 00)
28556 VJ200 98820 9H606 98820 1VX0A (631 81 23 00 A)
28556 ZB00A 98820 9KA0A (0 285 011 209) 98820 3RD0B (620 61 19 00 G)
28556 ZB201 98820 9MD0A (0 285 013 027) 98820 3TA0C (620 59 98 00 K)
28556 ZD81A 98820 9PA0A (0 285 012 291) 98820 3TT0A (620 62 09 00 G)
28556 ZP01A 98820 9U10A (0 285 001 909) 98820 3TV0A
28556 ZP21A 98820 9U20A (0 285 001 910) 98820 3WY0A (624 03 14 00 E)
28556 ZR00C 98820 9U30A (0 285 001 911) 98820 3ZL0A (628 73 37 00)
28556 68K10 (C1 68K1) 98820 9U40A (0 285 001 912) 98820 4BA0A (626 64 21 00)
38910 68K10 (5WK44049) 98820 9Y60E 98820 4BD0A
39550 31760 (605 14 76 00) 98820 9Y90E (060120) 98820 4BE0A (627 26 01 00)
39550 31761 (605 14 76 00) 98820 AP003 (0 285 001 413) 98820 4BF0A (627 74 74 00)
39550 31771 (605 14 78 00) 98820 AV000 (0 285 001 419) 98820 4BP0A (626 64 21 00)
8200 432 339A (605 48 83 00) 98820 AV200 (0 285 001 420) 98820 4BS0A
8635A312 (0 285 011 703) 98820 AV21A (0 285 001 420) 98820 4CG0A (627 74 67 00)
98820 1AA0B (610 39 10 00) 98820 AX502 (0 285 001 474) 98820 4CM0A (631 73 51 00)
98820 1AA0C (618 26 06 00) 98820 AX503 (0 285 001 475) 98820 4EH0B (627 26 02 00)
98820 1AA0E (621 33 30 00) 98820 AX51A (0 285 001 474) 98820 4EH0C (627 26 02 00)
98820 1EH1B (0 285 011 002) 98820 BC500 (0 285 001 853) 98820 4MA0C (627 85 61 00 D)
98820 1FC0A (F01G072010) 98820 BH20A (0 285 010 840) 98820 4RA0A (630 91 23 00)
98820 1FC0A (F01G0720AB) 98820 BK50A 98820 4RB0A
98820 1FC1A (0 285 010 996) 98820 BN902 R (0 285 001 638) 98820 5AA0B (629 19 82 00)
98820 1HH0A 98820 BT50A 98820 5AC0B (636 51 78 00)
98820 1HH1B 98820 BT70A 98820 5HA0A (631 03 68 00)
98820 1JA0A (F01G0720B1) 98820 BU900 (0 285 001 639) 98820 5HK0A (640 74 33 00)
98820 1JA1A 98820 BV90A (0 285 012 139) 98820 5WK0A (636 13 41 00)
98820 1JU0A (0 285 011 276) 98820 CA010 98820 6FL0A (640 62 15 00)
98820 1KJ0A (F01G072075) 98820 CB800 98820 9AM0A (627 87 06 00 B)
98820 1KJ1A (0 285 011 031) 98820 CB80D 98820 9HN0A (628 62 95 00 A)
    98820 9HP0A (629 16 55 00 B)
    98820 BM90A (633 13 92 00)


Instrument Panel cluster (IPC) packaging

Properly packing IPC before shipping is of great importance. The main materials you will need are the following:

Cardboard boxes: can be found in any stationery or hardware store or you can get used ones in supermarkets.

Foam wrap or Bubble Wrap: for extra protection.

Polystyrene sheets: for additional internal cushioning if needed. They can be bought at various hardware stores.

Air cushions: When placed inside a box, these small air-filled bags provide protection for objects rolling around. However using them can be expensive, as buying the machine used to inflate them can be pricey.

Adhesive tape: for sealing the box.

Packing IPC part should not be difficult if you follow our simple guidelines:

  1. Put the car part in the box. Place the item in the appropriate box.

  2. Wrap individual instrument panel clusters. Protect any individual parts with bubble wrap or padded foam sheeting, especially components that must be disassembled first.

  3. Seal and label the box. Use adhesive tape to seal the box. You can label it with a sign saying “Fragile” or “Handle with care” and also specify the type of item that is inside the box. However, note that such a warning cannot guarantee that the package will be treated as such and should not substitute adequate packaging.

Always assume the worst from the post office; therefore OVER package well!

Odometers Solutions IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for poor packaged parts.

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